Mission: To support the Wellbriety Movement and empower all people in recovery.
On behalf of White Bison and the Wellbriety Movement, we have dedicated the past three months to settling in here in the Washington DC area and getting some infrastructure in place so we can move forward with establishing a fully functioning Wellbriety Movement Advocacy Office and creating a presence for the Wellbriety Movement here in our nation’s capital.
We are pleased to announce that the Wellbriety Movement Advocacy Office will be at 10920 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 100 Kensington, MD 20895 and co-located with NACoA (National Association for Children of Alcoholics).
We are excited to have this opportunity to be affiliated with and work more closely with NACoA. Years ago at a conference in New Orleans, NACOA helped to birth NANACOA, the National Association for Native American Children of Alcoholics. For many years, NANACOA did a great deal of good work toward the healing of our Native People, but unfortunately due to lack of funding it has been dormant for some time now.
In 2013, the Wellbriety Movement Advocacy Office will re-launch and revive NANACOA to once again help with the deeper issues of healing intergenerational trauma, childhood trauma and co-dependency issues that many Native Americans still suffer with today.
Along with other like minded organizations, we plan to co-create a National Wellbriety Vision. Wherever possible, we will build collaborative relationships and network with other, national level organizations that can help us to promote the legitimacy and power of using our Native culture in the healing of our Native People.
Our work here will include: Advocating to expand the Wellbriety Movement Nationally & Internationally Advocating for including Wellbriety Movement curriculum, models & methods as culturally relevant, evidence based practices for prevention and healing of Native People from addictions, intergenerational trauma, PTSD and other related problems. Advocating for a public apology from the White House for the US government’s role in the abuses of the boarding schools. Advocating for recovery, wellness and addiction free leadership within our National Native organizations. Sponsoring a number of national and regional conferences to keep the Wellbriety Movement informed at the grassroots level. We are also available to do advocacy work here in D.C. for small tribal organizations or Native Urban centers.
We will soon have a Wellbriety Movement Advocacy Office website operational and be able to provide you with additional details on how to contact our office here in Washington.